Zero-Day Exploits: The Unseen Threat Wreaking Havoc on Businesses
Zero-day exploits target vulnerabilities in software and hardware that are entirely unknown to the developers and security vendors.
Zero-day exploits target vulnerabilities in software and hardware that are entirely unknown to the developers and security vendors.
As C-level executives, we all understand the importance of cybersecurity. Data breaches and malware attacks can disrupt business continuity financially and reputationally. Today, we address a recent ” MagicDot ” vulnerability that affects Windows systems.
Imagine this: an intruder sneaks into your house, but instead of breaking windows, they cleverly use your spare key. That’s precisely how a shadow workflow operates.
Is your secure login a hacker’s Trojan Horse? Okta-Jacking exposes a critical vulnerability in a leading IAM platform. Learn how CEOs can fortify their digital defences and leverage Okta’s potential for maximum ROI.
Insider threats, malicious or negligent actions by employees, contractors, or partners, can be as devastating as external attacks. A single disgruntled employee with legitimate access can wreak havoc, stealing sensitive information, disrupting operations, or damaging your reputation.