
Unwitting Insiders: The Silent Enablers of Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are often portrayed as complex operations launched by sophisticated criminals. While this is true, robust cybersecurity defences can thwart even the most elaborate attack plan. However, a growing threat lies within your organisation itself: accidental insiders.


Fortifying Your Defences: Third-Party Risk Management for a Secure Supply Chain

Fortifying Your Defences: Third-Party Risk Management for a Secure Supply Chain The modern business landscape thrives on collaboration. Our success hinges on a complex network of third-party vendors, from software providers to manufacturers. But what happens when this network becomes. Vulnerable? This is where supply emerges, posing a significant threat. Third-party risk management (TPRM) is …



Form-jacking: The Silent Threat Stealing Your Customer Data and Bottom Line

Form-jacking, also known as web skimming, is a malicious technique in which cybercriminals inject skimming scripts into legitimate websites, particularly those with e-commerce functionalities.


Unmask the Wi-Fi Imposter: SSID Confusion Attacks and How to Secure Your Business Network

The vulnerability lies in the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standard, which is the set of rules that Wi-Fi networks follow. This standard doesn’t always require verification of the SSID during connection. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, your device doesn’t always check if the network name (SSID) is legitimate. This creates an opening for attackers to: