App Store Optimisation (ASO) vs. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): A Comparative Analysis

In the digital age, where mobile devices reign supreme, app stores have become bustling marketplaces. For large and small businesses, ensuring their apps are prominently displayed is crucial for driving downloads and user engagement. This is where App Store Optimization (ASO) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) come into play. While they aim to improve visibility, they operate in distinct realms.


Unveiling Kannada: A Strategic Advantage in the Southern Indian Market

For C-suite executives with ambitious India plans, overlooking the south can be costly. Karnataka, a powerhouse state in India’s south, boasts a growing Karnataka’s economy, a skilled workforce, and a unique cultural identity. However, to truly unlock its potential, understanding Kannada, the state’s official language, offers a significant strategic advantage.

Self-Esteem for MSME - KrishnaG-CEO

Self-Esteem for MSMEs: Why It Matters and How to Build It

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) significantly contribute to the Indian economy. They create jobs, drive innovation, and contribute significantly to GDP. But running an MSME is tough. It takes passion, perseverance, and, yes, self-esteem. What is Self-Esteem? Self-esteem is how you perceive your worth and value. It’s not about arrogance or bragging; it’s about …
