Unheard Threats: Securing the C-Suite in the Age of Ultrasonic Attacks

Hackers can exploit a technique called ‘SurfingAttack’, which is a form of ultrasonic hacking, to issue silent commands to voice assistants in your devices (like smartphones).


AI in Information Security: Your Ultimate Weapon Against Cyber Threats

Identify vulnerabilities (MTTI). Remediate those vulnerabilities (MTTR).Detect a security breach (MTTD). Contain the breach (MTTC). Restore normal operations (MTTRN).


Cybersecurity: The Unlikely Unifier in Digital Trade Negotiations?

The world of digital trade negotiations can be a complex battlefield. But in this ever-evolving landscape, there’s an unexpected factor emerging as a potential unifier: cybersecurity. Let’s explore why C-suite leaders should prioritise cybersecurity as a critical driver for successful digital trade agreements.