
Blind Pools: A Double-Edged Sword in Strategic Investment

At its core, a blind pool is an investment structure where funds are raised from investors with limited or no disclosure about the specific assets or projects to be acquired. Typically formed as limited partnerships or limited liability companies, blind pools are often spearheaded by seasoned managers who rely on their expertise and reputation to garner trust.


BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement): A Comprehensive Guide for C-Suite Executives

BATNA, coined by negotiation theorists Roger Fisher and William Ury in their book Getting to Yes, refers to the most favourable outcome you can achieve if negotiations fail. It is not just a fallback plan; it serves as the benchmark against which any proposed agreement is measured.


The Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Framework for Holistic Business Performance

The Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Framework for Holistic Business Performance In today’s competitive and dynamic business landscape, a myopic focus on individual departmental goals can lead to organisational imbalance. This challenge was addressed by Harvard Professor Robert Kaplan and David Norton, CEO of Palladium Group Inc., who introduced the Balanced Scorecard—a transformative strategic planning and …



Arm’s Length Transactions: A Strategic Guide for C-Suite Executives

An arm’s length transaction represents a business deal in which buyers and sellers operate independently and have no pre-existing relationship, ensuring that neither party exerts undue influence over the other. This concept is widely respected across industries as it aims to create a level playing field, facilitating fair market value and transparency. For C-suite executives, understanding arm’s length transactions is fundamental, as these transactions protect the business’s integrity and foster trust among stakeholders.


Anti-Dilution Provisions in Convertible Preferred Stock: Safeguarding Ownership for Investors

Anti-dilution provisions are contractual protections that safeguard investors’ proportional ownership in a company. Specifically, they are clauses often embedded in convertible preferred stock agreements. In practice, these provisions allow investors to avoid dilution of their ownership percentage if the company issues new shares at a lower price than what the investors initially paid.