
Cybersecurity Armour: Unveiling the Ultimate Shield Against Evolving Threats

Establishing continuous vulnerability assessment (VA) and Penetration testing (Pen Testing) as a service within your company is an excellent approach to maintaining a high level of cyber resilience.

MSME Secure Risk by Krishna Gupta - CEO of OMVAPT

Empowering MSMEs: Unveiling the Fortified Shield – Tailored VAPT Solutions for Information Security

Namaskara One and all, Amidst the digital revolution that defines our modern era, I am honoured to introduce an Information Security company dedicated to safeguarding the essence of our digital existence – our data and systems. This company stands at the forefront of information security, providing a specialised suite of services, particularly tailored to our …


Bengaluru is the IT Capital of India

Bengaluru Is the IT capital of India

Strong evidence suggests that Bengaluru is indeed the IT Capital of India. Here’s why: Dominant IT Hub: Talent Pool: Infrastructure and Support: Startup Ecosystem: Challenges: Conclusion: Overall, Bengaluru’s dominance in the number of IT companies, talent pool, infrastructure, government support, and startup ecosystem provides compelling evidence to support its claim as the IT Capital of …



Is Pune the Information Security capital of India?

Is Pune the Cyber Security capital of India? While Pune has a significantly growing presence in the Information Security (InfoSec) industry, it’s not yet widely considered the “InfoSec Capital of India.” However, it holds immense potential to become a significant player in the coming years. Here’s a balanced analysis: Reasons supporting Pune’s potential as an …


Bengaluru - KrishnaG-CEO-CyberSec-Capital-India

Is Bengaluru the Cyber Security Capital of India?

Is Bengaluru the Cyber Security Capital of India? Whether Bengaluru is the “Cyber Security Capital of India” is debated. It certainly has strong arguments in its favour, but other cities also compete to claim the title. Arguments for Bengaluru: Arguments against Bengaluru: Conclusion: While Bengaluru has strong credentials to be considered the Cyber Security Capital …
