
Minimising Ransomware Risks: A Symphony of Security Practices

What is a ransomware? Ransomware is malware that holds your data or device hostage until a ransom is paid. It’s like a digital kidnapper taking your valuable information and demanding payment for its release. Here’s how it works: Infection: Ransomware gets onto your device through phishing emails, malicious websites, or infected downloads. Data Lockout: Once …


Rama Baana PenTest - KrishnaG-CEO-OMVAPT

Don’t Let Demons Exploit Your Data: Equip Your MSME with OMVAPT’s Silver Arrows of Security by Sri Ram

Don’t Let Demons Exploit Your Data: Equip Your MSME with OMVAPT’s Silver Arrows of Security by Divine Sri Ram! Listen up, fellow Indian MSMEs! In today’s digital jungle, where data breaches lurk like Ravanas waiting to snatch your precious information, you need more than firewalls and antivirus prayers. You need OMVAPT’s silver arrows of security! …


SaaS PenTest - KrishnaG-CEO-OMVAPT

20 Ways to Fortify Your SaaS Security: Build an Impenetrable Castle in the Cloud

The SaaS revolution has transformed businesses’ operations, offering agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. But with great power comes great responsibility, especially regarding security. SaaS applications are juicy targets for cybercriminals, making robust security measures more crucial than ever. Fear not, brave knights of the digital realm! OMVAPT, your trusted cybersecurity companion, presents 20 battle-tested tactics to …


Secure Risk Event Banner - Krishna G CEO OMVAPT

Digging for Digital Gold: How Penetration Testing Fortifies Your Website, eCommerce, and Web Apps

Digging for Digital Gold: How Penetration Testing Fortifies Your Website, eCommerce, and Web Apps In the bustling digital marketplace, websites, eCommerce platforms, and web apps are gleaming treasure chests – brimming with sensitive customer data, financial transactions, and intellectual property. But just like any vault, its security is only as strong as its weakest point. …


A1 Broken Access Control: Seeing is Believing (with Examples)

A Critical Web Application Vulnerability As you highlighted, Broken Access Control (BAC) stands as the top vulnerability in the OWASP Top 10 list for a reason. It involves unauthorised users accessing data or functionalities they shouldn’t have. This can have severe consequences, including: So, what are the standard ways BAC vulnerabilities arise? Here are some …
