Shadowy Secrets: The Hidden Threat Lurking in Your SaaS Stack
Imagine this: an intruder sneaks into your house, but instead of breaking windows, they cleverly use your spare key. That’s precisely how a shadow workflow operates.
Imagine this: an intruder sneaks into your house, but instead of breaking windows, they cleverly use your spare key. That’s precisely how a shadow workflow operates.
Is your secure login a hacker’s Trojan Horse? Okta-Jacking exposes a critical vulnerability in a leading IAM platform. Learn how CEOs can fortify their digital defences and leverage Okta’s potential for maximum ROI.
Insider threats, malicious or negligent actions by employees, contractors, or partners, can be as devastating as external attacks. A single disgruntled employee with legitimate access can wreak havoc, stealing sensitive information, disrupting operations, or damaging your reputation.
A browser attack surface is where someone could try to break into your system through your web browser by exploiting the vulnerabilities.
The stealthy attack method, SAML Jacking and its potential to compromise your company’s security is paramount.