
Phishing Attacks Targeting Mobile Users via Progressive Web Applications (PWA): A C-Suite Perspective

In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become indispensable to our personal and professional lives. As businesses increasingly lean on mobile apps for customer engagement, internal operations, and data access, the risk of cyberattacks targeting these applications has also grown. One particularly insidious threat is using Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) as a vehicle for phishing attacks.

Phishing attacks have evolved significantly over the recent years, and using PWAs has added a new dimension to this threat. Cybercriminals can leverage the legitimacy and trust associated with PWAs to trick unsuspecting users into divulging sensitive information.


Mobile App Spoofing: A Growing Threat to C-Suite Executives

Mobile app spoofing involves creating fake or malicious applications that impersonate legitimate apps to deceive users into downloading and installing them. These counterfeit apps can be used to steal sensitive data, compromise devices, or perpetrate financial fraud. For C-suite executives, who often handle highly confidential information and make critical business decisions, the consequences of falling victim to app spoofing can be severe.


Information Security: A Crucial Pitch for Indian Cricket

Indian cricket, a religion for millions, is a massive industry with significant digital footprints. Everything is increasingly digitised, from player statistics to ticket sales, match schedules to fan engagement. It makes a prime target for cyberattacks. Here’s how information security benefits Indian cricket:


VAPT for Digital Nomads: Safeguarding Your Remote Lifestyle

As a digital nomad, you’ve embraced the freedom and versatility of working remotely, allowing you to explore the globe while maintaining a successful career. However, with this lifestyle comes a unique set of cybersecurity challenges that require careful consideration


The 5 Biggest Cyber Threats for Financial Services

The financial services industry, a cornerstone of modern economies, is a prime target for cybercriminals. The allure of vast sums of money, sensitive personal data, and the intricate web of interconnected systems makes it a lucrative hunting ground. This blog delves into the five most significant cyber threats facing financial institutions, providing insights into their modus operandi, potential impact, and strategies for mitigation.