Namaste: No Touch, All Secure: The Unexpected Guardian of Information Security

The Specter of AI and BCI: Robots Attacking Humans

The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) has ignited a wave of both excitement and trepidation. While these technologies hold immense promise for advancing human capabilities and improving quality of life, they also raise profound ethical and security concerns. One such concern is the potential for AI-controlled robots to pose a threat to human safety.


Social Engineering: The Silent Threat to Business Coaches

Social engineering, a form of cybercrime that manipulates people into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security, is a growing concern. Business coaches, due to their role as trusted advisors, are particularly vulnerable. This blog post will delve into the intricacies of social engineering, exploring how it targets business coaches, and providing actionable strategies for mitigation.


Penetration Testing ERP: A Critical Defense

Penetration testing (pentesting) in an ERP system is crucial in safeguarding your organisation’s sensitive data and operations. ERP systems are the backbone of scalable companies, housing critical financial, operational, and customer information. A successful cyberattack on an ERP system can have devastating consequences, including financial loss, reputational loss, and operational disruption.