
Malware Analysis and Cyber Forensics: An In-Depth Guide for the C-Suite

Cyber forensics is crucial in post-incident response, enabling organisations to understand the full scope of an attack and attribute it to specific entities. Malware analysis is a systematic investigation into malicious software to understand its intent, functionality, and impact. The process can be broken down into two primary methodologies: static analysis and dynamic analysis.


USB Rubber Ducky Attacks: Securing Business Continuity and Reputation

USB Rubber Ducky attacks exploit a device known as a USB Rubber Ducky—a small, inconspicuous USB stick designed to act as a Human Interface Device (HID), such as a keyboard. Upon insertion into a target system, the device quickly injects pre-programmed keystrokes or commands, mimicking human input. These commands can be used to bypass security controls, download malware, steal data, or compromise sensitive systems.