
The Role of an Information Security Analyst: A Critical Investment for C-Suite Executives

Enter the Information Security Analyst (ISA) — a key figure in an organisation’s defence against cyber threats. Far from being just another IT role, an ISA is pivotal to safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring compliance, and maintaining business continuity. This article explores the role of an Information Security Analyst and provides a detailed examination of why C-level executives must prioritise information security within their organisations.


Whaling Attacks: A C-Suite’s Nightmare

Whaling attacks, a sophisticated form of cybercrime, have become a significant cyber threat to businesses of all sizes. Targeting high-profile individuals within organisations, these attacks exploit the trust and authority of C-Level executives to deceive employees into performing fraudulent actions. Attackers can trick employees into transferring funds, disclosing sensitive information, or compromising critical systems by impersonating top executives.

Unheard Threats: Securing the C-Suite in the Age of Ultrasonic Attacks

Hackers can exploit a technique called ‘SurfingAttack’, which is a form of ultrasonic hacking, to issue silent commands to voice assistants in your devices (like smartphones).


Startup India: Cultivating a Thriving Innovative Ecosystem for Growth-Minded Leaders

Startup India offers a comprehensive toolkit for businesses of all sizes to collaborate with startups and accelerate growth.