
The 5 Biggest Cyber Threats for Financial Services

The financial services industry, a cornerstone of modern economies, is a prime target for cybercriminals. The allure of vast sums of money, sensitive personal data, and the intricate web of interconnected systems makes it a lucrative hunting ground. This blog delves into the five most significant cyber threats facing financial institutions, providing insights into their modus operandi, potential impact, and strategies for mitigation.


Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) Side-Channel Attacks: A Deep Dive for C-Suite Executives

Understanding the fundamental principles of SMT is essential to grasping the nature of SMT side-channel attacks. A processor’s physical core can be divided into multiple logical cores, each capable of executing a separate thread of instructions. This lets the processor handle various tasks simultaneously, improving overall system performance.


Fortifying Your Defences: Third-Party Risk Management for a Secure Supply Chain

Fortifying Your Defences: Third-Party Risk Management for a Secure Supply Chain The modern business landscape thrives on collaboration. Our success hinges on a complex network of third-party vendors, from software providers to manufacturers. But what happens when this network becomes. Vulnerable? This is where supply emerges, posing a significant threat. Third-party risk management (TPRM) is …



The CISO’s Playbook: Securing Your Business in the Age of SaaS

By addressing these six critical use cases, CISOs can significantly improve their security posture. These solutions deliver a measurable return on security investment by mitigating risks, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring business continuity. Remember, proactive cybersecurity is not just about keeping the bad guys out; it’s about safeguarding your competitive edge and building trust with your customers.


Why Manual Penetration Testing Complements CSPM for Maximum Cloud Security

While Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) offers a robust first line of defence, it’s crucial to recognise its limitations. CSPM excels at continuously monitoring your cloud environment for misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. However, it can’t fully replicate the ingenuity of a skilled attacker. This is where manual penetration testing comes in, as a critical complement to your cloud security strategy.