
OWASP Top 10 for Mobile Apps: M9 – Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is the process of analysing a system or software to understand its components, functionality, and architecture. In the context of mobile apps, reverse engineering typically involves deconstructing an app’s compiled code to reveal its source code, data structures, and logic. The goal may be to identify vulnerabilities, extract sensitive data, or alter the app’s behaviour for malicious purposes.


Mobile Apps Security Testing: A Shield Against App Store Fraud Attacks

Mobile applications have become integral to our lives in today’s digital age. From banking to gaming, shopping to socialising, we rely on these apps for almost everything. However, with the increasing popularity of mobile apps, the risk of fraud attacks has also escalated. One of the most common avenues for fraudsters is through app stores. Mobile application security and penetration testing are essential to mitigate this risk.


Mobile AppSec: A Survival Guide for MSMEs

In today’s digital age, security is not just a compliance requirement; it’s a competitive advantage. MSMEs that prioritise mobile security are better positioned to thrive and succeed in the long term.