
Protect Your Bottom Line: NIST’s New Crypto Standard is a Must-Have

Protect Your Bottom Line: NIST’s New Crypto Standard is a Must-Have

The Dawn of a New Era in Cybersecurity

In a groundbreaking move that heralds a new era of cybersecurity, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has officially formalised the world’s first post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards. This landmark achievement is a critical step in safeguarding our digital world from the potential threats posed by future quantum computers.

The Looming Threat of Quantum Computers

While quantum computers are still in their infancy, their potential to revolutionise computing is undeniable. However, this same power also poses a grave threat to our current encryption methods. Quantum computers have the theoretical ability to break many cryptographic algorithms that underpin our digital infrastructure, including those used to secure online banking, digital signatures, and sensitive communications.


Form jacking: The Silent Threat to MSMEs

Formjacking is a sophisticated cybercrime where malicious code is injected into e-commerce websites to rob payment card details. Attackers target online forms, such as checkout pages, to capture sensitive information as customers enter. Once compromised, this data is transmitted to the attacker, leaving businesses and customers vulnerable to financial loss and reputational damage.


OneDrive Phishing Scam: A Perilous Threat to C-Suite and MSME Business Owners

While offering unprecedented opportunities, the digital landscape has also become a fertile ground for cybercriminals. One such threat is the OneDrive phishing scam, a sophisticated attack to deceive users into executing malicious PowerShell scripts. This blog dives deep into the intricacies of this scam, targeting C-suite executives and MSME business owners, who are often high-value targets for cyberattacks.


Secure Web: A Business Owner’s Guide for MSME

By understanding and addressing the OWASP Top 10 risks, you can significantly enhance your MSME’s cybersecurity posture. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Investing in robust security measures today can save you from significant losses in the future.


Mobile AppSec: A Survival Guide for MSMEs

In today’s digital age, security is not just a compliance requirement; it’s a competitive advantage. MSMEs that prioritise mobile security are better positioned to thrive and succeed in the long term.