Namaste: No Touch, All Secure: The Unexpected Guardian of Information Security

The Specter of AI and BCI: Robots Attacking Humans

The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) has ignited a wave of both excitement and trepidation. While these technologies hold immense promise for advancing human capabilities and improving quality of life, they also raise profound ethical and security concerns. One such concern is the potential for AI-controlled robots to pose a threat to human safety.


Cyber Security Neuro Plasticity: A New Frontier for Penetration Testers and Information Security Researchers

Neuro plasticity, a cornerstone of neuroscience, refers to the brain’s capacity to reorganize itself in response to experiences. This phenomenon occurs at various levels, from the formation of new synapses to the creation of entirely new neural pathways. Factors such as learning, memory, and environmental stimuli can all influence neuro plasticity.

Cyber threats can exploit human vulnerabilities in ways that directly affect the brain. Phishing attacks, for example, leverage social engineering techniques to manipulate emotions and cognitive processes, leading to impulsive decision-making and compromised security. Malware can also impact cognitive function by causing stress, anxiety, and fatigue, which can impair judgment and attention.