

BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement): A Comprehensive Guide for C-Suite Executives

BATNA, coined by negotiation theorists Roger Fisher and William Ury in their book Getting to Yes, refers to the most favourable outcome you can achieve if negotiations fail. It is not just a fallback plan; it serves as the benchmark against which any proposed agreement is measured.


The Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Framework for Holistic Business Performance

The Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Framework for Holistic Business Performance In today’s competitive and dynamic business landscape, a myopic focus on individual departmental goals can lead to organisational imbalance. This challenge was addressed by Harvard Professor Robert Kaplan and David Norton, CEO of Palladium Group Inc., who introduced the Balanced Scorecard—a transformative strategic planning and …



Unwrapping the Truth: How to Avoid Cyber Scams This Holiday Season for Indians at Home and in Foreign

As the festive season draws near, people around the world are busy planning their celebrations. In India, much like in other parts of the world, the holiday season is a time for giving, shopping, and connecting with family and friends. However, amid the festive cheer, cybercriminals see this time as an opportunity to exploit unsuspecting individuals and businesses. Whether you are in India or overseas, the risks of falling victim to cyber scams are real and rising every year. From fraudulent e-commerce websites to sophisticated phishing attacks, cybercriminals are ready to pounce on the heightened online activity that the holidays bring.


DNSSEC Misconfigurations: Safeguarding the Modern Digital Landscape

The Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names into IP addresses, acting as the internet’s address book. DNSSEC is a suite of extensions to DNS that authenticates these translations, ensuring that users connect to legitimate websites rather than to rogue or malicious ones. It uses cryptographic signatures to verify that responses to DNS queries have not been altered, effectively protecting against several forms of cyberattacks.


Arm’s Length Transactions: A Strategic Guide for C-Suite Executives

An arm’s length transaction represents a business deal in which buyers and sellers operate independently and have no pre-existing relationship, ensuring that neither party exerts undue influence over the other. This concept is widely respected across industries as it aims to create a level playing field, facilitating fair market value and transparency. For C-suite executives, understanding arm’s length transactions is fundamental, as these transactions protect the business’s integrity and foster trust among stakeholders.