Krishna G CEO Namaste Robot

Decision Frameworks in Business: Making Smarter Choices for Your Company

Decision Frameworks in Business: Making Smarter Choices for Your Company Making decisions is a core part of running a business. Every day, you’re faced with choices, from small tactical decisions to major strategic ones. How do you ensure you’re making the best decisions for your company? That’s where decision frameworks come in. A decision framework …



SMART Goals for Legal, Regulatory & Compliance for MSME

Goal 1: Achieve 100% compliance with all relevant laws and regulations the following year. Goal 2: Increase employees’ awareness of legal and regulatory requirements by 20% within the next six months. Goal 3: Reduce the number of legal disputes by 15% within the following year. Goal 4: Improve data security and privacy compliance by implementing …


10 Different Leadership Styles

Ten different leadership styles.

Leadership styles are the approaches or methods that leaders use to guide and influence teams or organisations. There are several different leadership styles, each with its characteristics and advantages. Here are some of the most common leadership styles: Effective leadership often involves a blend of these styles, as the best approach depends on the specific …


64 Personality Types

The 64 Personality Types

The concept of 64 personality types is an extension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) system, which typically categorises individuals into one of 16 personality types, as explained in the previous response. The 64 personality types are a more detailed breakdown of these 16 types, considering additional facets of personality and behaviour. These further facets …


Estonia's Soft Power

Estonia: Punching Above its Weight with Soft Power in the 21st Century

Estonia: Punching Above its Weight with Soft Power in the 21st Century In the grand chessboard of international relations, military might and economic muscle often dominate the headlines. But nestled in the Baltic Sea, a small nation is quietly making waves with a different kind of power: soft power. Estonia, with a population of just …
