
Why Cybersecurity Matters for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs): A Guide for C-Suite

### The Misconception of Security Through Size

One pervasive misconception is that smaller businesses are less likely to attract cybercriminals’ attention. However, data proves otherwise: cybercriminals often see SMBs as easy targets precisely because they may lack the extensive defences of larger enterprises. Small and medium businesses hold valuable data, including customer information, financial records, and intellectual property, making them prime candidates for attacks such as phishing, ransomware, and business email compromise.


Key Recovery Attacks: Safeguarding Encryption Keys in the Digital Age

Key recovery attacks refer to attempts by malicious actors to retrieve encryption keys used to secure data within an organisation. By obtaining these keys, attackers can decrypt sensitive information, impersonate legitimate users, or perform unauthorised operations, leading to potential data breaches and other cyber risks. These attacks typically target encryption keys stored insecurely, in compromised systems, or within weakly protected environments.


Click Injection Fraud: Protecting Advertisers from Emerging Mobile Ad Fraud Threats

Click injection fraud continues to evolve as malicious actors devise new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in mobile advertising. The financial and reputational impacts make it imperative for advertisers to take a proactive stance. By implementing fraud detection algorithms, secure app development practices, and partnering with trusted ad networks, businesses can safeguard their investments and ensure advertising integrity.