
Insufficient Security Patching: A Critical Oversight

In today’s interconnected world, where information assets are increasingly valuable, ensuring robust security is paramount. One of cybersecurity’s most fundamental yet often overlooked aspects is the timely application of security patches. Insufficient security patching, the failure to address known vulnerabilities and security flaws in software, systems, or devices, poses a significant threat to organisations of all sizes.


Mitigating Risks, Maximising Returns: Navigating the AI-Driven Development Landscape

AI-powered coding tools have ignited a fiery debate: will these tools replace human developers? The reality is far more nuanced. While AI will undoubtedly revolutionise the software development landscape, it’s not a harbinger of developer obsolescence. Instead, it signals a transformative shift in the role of developers, elevating them to become strategic architects, security sentinels, and AI mentors.