
Logic Bombs: A Silent Threat to C-Level Executives

In cyber warfare, where the lines between offence and defence constantly blur, a particularly insidious threat looms large: the logic bomb. These malicious code snippets, embedded within legitimate applications, scripts, or systems, are designed to unleash destructive payloads under specific conditions or triggers. For C-level executives responsible for their organisation’s security and reputation, understanding the nature, implications, and countermeasures of logic bombs is paramount.

A logic bomb is a time bomb waiting to go off within a computer system. Code remains dormant until a predetermined condition matches, such as a specific date, time, event, or data input. Once the trigger is pulled, the bomb explodes, executing its malicious payload, which can range from data deletion or corruption to system shutdown or network sabotage.


What is an Information Infrastructure?

In today’s digital age, information has become the lifeblood of organisations. Businesses rely on a robust and efficient information infrastructure to collect, store, process, and distribute data. This infrastructure underpins critical operations, enabling decision-making, customer engagement, and innovation.


Insufficient Security Patching: A Critical Oversight

In today’s interconnected world, where information assets are increasingly valuable, ensuring robust security is paramount. One of cybersecurity’s most fundamental yet often overlooked aspects is the timely application of security patches. Insufficient security patching, the failure to address known vulnerabilities and security flaws in software, systems, or devices, poses a significant threat to organisations of all sizes.


Mobile AppSec: A Survival Guide for MSMEs

In today’s digital age, security is not just a compliance requirement; it’s a competitive advantage. MSMEs that prioritise mobile security are better positioned to thrive and succeed in the long term.