Coffee Badging: A Simmering Trend or a Sign of Something Stronger?

The ghost town silence of deserted offices may soon replace the aroma of brewing coffee and the clatter of hurried footsteps. Enter “coffee badging,” a phenomenon sweeping the post-pandemic workplace where employees briefly appear, grab their caffeine fix, and promptly vanish – all while technically fulfilling return-to-office mandates.

But why this ritualistic coffee klatch? The reasons are complex, brewing under the surface of rigid return-to-office policies.

The Bitter Brew of Discontent: Many employees, accustomed to the flexibility and comfort of remote work, bristle at the forced march back to cubicles. Coffee badging becomes a silent protest to reclaim some control and minimise their physical office presence.

A Thirst for Flexibility: The lines between professional and personal lives have blurred. Flexible work arrangements are no longer a perk but a necessity for many juggling childcare, long commutes, or simply preferring a quieter workspace. Coffee badging allows employees to taste that flexibility, even under restrictive policies.

Beyond Brews: The Craving for Connection: While remote work offers convenience, it can also be isolating. Coffee badging provides a quick fix, a chance to catch up with colleagues, fostering connection and team spirit without the burden of a full day in the office.

But is this a latte love affair or a recipe for disaster?

The Sweet Aroma of Change: Coffee badging can highlight employee dissatisfaction, prompting companies to re-evaluate rigid policies and embrace flexible work models. Additionally, brief in-office interactions can spark collaboration and team spirit.

The Bitter Aftertaste of Distrust: Employers may perceive coffee badging as dishonesty or a lack of commitment, eroding trust and fostering resentment. Furthermore, commuting and briefly appearing can disrupt workflows and reduce overall productivity.

The Grounds for a Solution: Coffee badging is a symptom, not a cure. Open and honest communication between the leadership team and employees is paramount. Finding win-win-win solutions that prioritise both productivity and employee well-being is essential. This could involve embracing hybrid models, offering core collaboration days, or fostering a culture of trust that values results over physical presence.

Coffee badging, while unconventional, shines a light on the evolving workplace landscape. As we navigate the post-pandemic world, it’s crucial to recognise its underlying causes and work towards solutions that brew a more satisfying work experience for all. So, please put down your mug, step away from the badge scanner, and let’s have an honest conversation about what the future of work truly holds.

What is it?

Coffee badging describes the practice of employees briefly showing up at the office, usually just long enough to grab a coffee and socialise with colleagues, before heading back home to work remotely. It’s a way for them to comply with mandatory in-office policies while minimising the time spent there.

Why do people do it?

Several reasons:

  • Disagreement with return-to-office mandates: Some employees feel more productive, prefer working from home, and resent being forced back into the office. Coffee badging is a way to push back against these policies.
  • Desire for flexibility: Many employees value the flexibility of remote work and don’t want to lose it completely. Coffee badging allows them to maintain some flexibility even with in-office requirements.
  • Social connection: While they may prefer remote work, some employees still miss the social interaction of the office. Coffee badging lets them quickly catch up with colleagues without committing to a full day.

What are the implications?

Coffee badging can have both positive and negative effects:

Coffee Badging - KrishnaG-CEO


  • Highlights employee dissatisfaction: It brings attention to the fact that some employees are unhappy with return-to-office policies, which may lead to more flexible work arrangements.
  • Promotes social interaction: Even brief office visits benefit team bonding and collaboration.


  • Undermines trust: Employers may see coffee badging as dishonesty or lack of commitment.
  • Reduces productivity: Commuting and coming into the office can be disruptive, even briefly.
  • Doesn’t address the root cause: Coffee badging is a symptom of a more significant issue, not a solution.

What’s next?

Coffee badging will likely continue as long as mandatory in-office policies remain. Ultimately, the best solution is for employers and employees to have open and honest conversations about work preferences and find flexible solutions that work for everyone.

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