
Firmware Vulnerabilities: A C-Suite Perspective

Firmware vulnerabilities arise from security gaps in embedded software’s code or design. Adversaries can exploit these security risks.


Information Security: A Crucial Pitch for Indian Cricket

Indian cricket, a religion for millions, is a massive industry with significant digital footprints. Everything is increasingly digitised, from player statistics to ticket sales, match schedules to fan engagement. It makes a prime target for cyberattacks. Here’s how information security benefits Indian cricket:


VAPT for Digital Nomads: Safeguarding Your Remote Lifestyle

As a digital nomad, you’ve embraced the freedom and versatility of working remotely, allowing you to explore the globe while maintaining a successful career. However, with this lifestyle comes a unique set of cybersecurity challenges that require careful consideration


Protect Your Bottom Line: NIST’s New Crypto Standard is a Must-Have

Protect Your Bottom Line: NIST’s New Crypto Standard is a Must-Have

The Dawn of a New Era in Cybersecurity

In a groundbreaking move that heralds a new era of cybersecurity, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has officially formalised the world’s first post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards. This landmark achievement is a critical step in safeguarding our digital world from the potential threats posed by future quantum computers.

The Looming Threat of Quantum Computers

While quantum computers are still in their infancy, their potential to revolutionise computing is undeniable. However, this same power also poses a grave threat to our current encryption methods. Quantum computers have the theoretical ability to break many cryptographic algorithms that underpin our digital infrastructure, including those used to secure online banking, digital signatures, and sensitive communications.


Mitigating Risks, Maximising Returns: Navigating the AI-Driven Development Landscape

AI-powered coding tools have ignited a fiery debate: will these tools replace human developers? The reality is far more nuanced. While AI will undoubtedly revolutionise the software development landscape, it’s not a harbinger of developer obsolescence. Instead, it signals a transformative shift in the role of developers, elevating them to become strategic architects, security sentinels, and AI mentors.