
OWASP Top 10 for Mobile Apps: M8 – Code Tampering

Code tampering occurs when an attacker manipulates or alters the source code, binaries, or execution flow of a mobile application. This tampering can take various forms, including modifying the code to bypass security checks, reverse engineering to steal intellectual property, or injecting malicious code to steal sensitive data. Mobile apps, which often handle sensitive information like personal data, payment details, and corporate data, are prime targets for these attacks.


Click Injection Fraud: Protecting Advertisers from Emerging Mobile Ad Fraud Threats

Click injection fraud continues to evolve as malicious actors devise new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in mobile advertising. The financial and reputational impacts make it imperative for advertisers to take a proactive stance. By implementing fraud detection algorithms, secure app development practices, and partnering with trusted ad networks, businesses can safeguard their investments and ensure advertising integrity.