
Asset Deals in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comprehensive Guide for C-Level Executives

An asset deal occurs when a buyer acquires specific assets and liabilities of a company rather than purchasing the company’s stock. This type of transaction allows the buyer to choose which assets they want and, in some cases, which liabilities they are willing to assume. Asset deals are often attractive to buyers looking to avoid potential risks associated with a company’s existing liabilities, contingent liabilities, and other historical issues that could impact future performance.


Accretion in Finance: Unlocking Growth and Value Creation for the C-Suite

At its core, **accretion** refers to a gradual increase in value over time. In finance, this concept manifests across several domains, such as:

1. **Accounting:** Recognising the incremental growth of revenues or assets.
2. **Bonds:** Capturing the capital gains as discounted bonds approach maturity.
3. **Corporate Finance:** Measuring the incremental value generated from mergers and acquisitions (M&A).


The Stalking Horse Strategy: Testing the Waters for Strategic Success

A stalking horse refers to an entity or figure who presents an idea, bid, or proposal in public or within an organisation, testing its viability or gauging reaction on behalf of a third party. In cases where the idea is met with positive feedback, the third party, often the true party of interest, can move forward with confidence, avoiding the potential fallout of an unsuccessful launch or reception.