
Arm’s Length Transactions: A Strategic Guide for C-Suite Executives

An arm’s length transaction represents a business deal in which buyers and sellers operate independently and have no pre-existing relationship, ensuring that neither party exerts undue influence over the other. This concept is widely respected across industries as it aims to create a level playing field, facilitating fair market value and transparency. For C-suite executives, understanding arm’s length transactions is fundamental, as these transactions protect the business’s integrity and foster trust among stakeholders.


The Stalking Horse Strategy: Testing the Waters for Strategic Success

A stalking horse refers to an entity or figure who presents an idea, bid, or proposal in public or within an organisation, testing its viability or gauging reaction on behalf of a third party. In cases where the idea is met with positive feedback, the third party, often the true party of interest, can move forward with confidence, avoiding the potential fallout of an unsuccessful launch or reception.